Note: This post was edited for clarity.

At this point, tricking python into printing strings via indirect means got a little boring. So I switched to obfuscating fundamental computer science algorithms. Here’s a JAPH that takes in a Huffman coded version of 'just another python hacker', decodes, and prints it.

# Build coding tree
def build_tree(scheme):
    if scheme.startswith('*'):
        left, scheme = build_tree(scheme[1:])
        right, scheme = build_tree(scheme)
        return (left, right), scheme
        return scheme[0], scheme[1:]

def decode(tree, encoded):
    ret = ''
    node = tree
    for direction in encoded:
        if direction == '0':
            node = node[0]
            node = node[1]
        if isinstance(node, str):
            ret += node
            node = tree
    return ret

tree = build_tree('*****ju*sp*er***yct* h**ka*no')[0]
    decode(tree, bin(10627344201836243859174935587).lstrip('0b').zfill(103))

The decoding tree is like a LISP-style sequence of pairs. '*' represents a branch in the tree while other characters are leaf nodes. This looks like the following.

                ('j', 'u'), 
                ('s', 'p')
            ('e', 'r')
                ('y', 'c'), 
            (' ', 'h')
        ('k', 'a'), 
        ('n', 'o')

The actual Huffman coded version of our favorite string gets about 50% smaller represented in base-2.


There’s a catch here, which is that this is hard to obfuscate unless we turn it into a single expression. This means that we have to convert build_tree and decode into lambda functions. Unfortunately, they are recursive and lambda functions recurse naturally. Fortunately, we can use Y combinators to get around the problem. These are worth some study since they will pop up again in future JAPHs.

Y = lambda g: (
    lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg))) (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg))

build_tree = Y(
    lambda f: lambda scheme: (
        (f(scheme[1:])[0], f(f(scheme[1:])[1])[0]),
        f(f(scheme[1:])[1])[1 ]
    ) if scheme.startswith('*') else (scheme[0], scheme[1:])

decode = Y(lambda f: lambda x: x[3]+x[1] if not x[2] else (
    f([x[0], x[0], x[2], x[3]+x[1]]) if isinstance(x[1], str) else (
        f([x[0], x[1][0], x[2][1:], x[3]]) if x[2][0] == '0' else (
            f([x[0], x[1][1], x[2][1:], x[3]])

tree = build_tree('*****ju*sp*er***yct* h**ka*no')[0]
        bin(10627344201836243859174935587).lstrip('0b').zfill(103), ''

The final version is a condensed (and expanded, oddly) version of the above.

print((lambda t,e,s:(lambda g:(lambda f:g(lambda arg:f(f)(arg)))(lambda f:
g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg))))(lambda f:lambda x: x[3]+x[1]if not x[2]else f([
x[0],x[0],x[2],x[3]+x[1]])if isinstance(x[1],str)else f([x[0],x[1][0],x[2]
[1:],x[3]])if x[2][0]=='0'else f([x[0],x[1][1],x[2][1:],x[3]]))([t,t,e,s])
)((lambda g:(lambda f:g(lambda arg:f(f)(arg)))(lambda f:g(lambda arg:f(f)(
arg))))(lambda f:lambda p:((f(p[1:])[0],f(f(p[1:])[1])[0]),f(f(p[1:])[1])[
1])if p.startswith('*')else(p[0],p[1:]))('*****ju*sp*er***yct* h**ka*no')[