Note: This post was edited for clarity.

Many years ago, I was a Perl programmer. Then one day I became disillusioned at the progress of Perl 6 and decided to import this.

This seems to be a fairly common story for Perl to Python converts. While I haven’t looked back much, there are a number of things I really miss about perl (lower case intentional). I miss having value types in a dynamic language, magical and ill-advised use of cryptocontext, and sometimes even pseudohashes because they were inexcusably weird. A language that supports so many ideas out of the box enables an extended learning curve that lasts for many years. “Perl itself is the game.”

Most of all I think I miss writing Perl poetry and JAPHs. Sadly, I didn’t keep any of those I wrote, and I’m not competent enough with the language anymore to write interesting ones. At the time I was intentionally distancing myself from a model that was largely implicit and based on archaic systems internals and moving to one that was (supposedly) explicit and simple.

After switching to Python as my primary language, I used the following email signature in a nod to this change in orientation (intended for Python 2):

print 'just another python hacker'

Recently I’ve been experimenting with writing JAPHs in Python. I think of these as “reformed JAPHs.” They accomplish the same purpose as programming exercises but in a more restricted context. In some ways they are more challenging. Creativity can be difficult in a narrowly defined landscape.

I have written a small series of reformed JAPHs which increase monotonically in complexity. Here is the first one, written in plain understandable Python 3.

import string

letters = string.ascii_lowercase + ' '
indices = [
     9, 20, 18, 19, 26,  0, 13, 14, 19, 7,  4, 17, 26,
    15, 24, 19,  7, 14, 13, 26,  7,  0, 2, 10,  4, 17

print(''.join(letters[i] for i in indices))

This is fairly simple. Instead of explicitly embedding the string 'just another python hacker' in the program, we assemble it using the index of its letters in the string 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '. We then obfuscate through a series of minor measures:

  • Instead of calling the print function, we import sys and make a call to sys.stdout.write.
  • We assemble string.lowercase + ' ' by joining together the character versions of its respective ordinal values (97 to 123 and 32).
  • We join together the integer indices using 'l' and split that into a list.
  • We apply ''' liberally and rely on the fact that python concatenates adjacent strings.

Here’s the obfuscated version:

).write(''.join(map(lambda _:(list(map(chr,range(97,123)))+[chr(

We could certainly do more, but that’s where I left this one. Stay tuned for the next JAPH.